Moonlight Meditation + Tea Ceremony


when: The Next Full Moon on SATURDAY, MAY 18 @ 7-9PM

where: The New MOONDANCE WELLNESS YOGA STUDIO  [Brooklyn Center, MN]

why: Help Celebrate Moondance’s 1-Year Anniversary with this extra special event! Be a part of the inaugural event in the NEW Moondance Wellness Yoga Studio! Enjoy a cozy guided meditation tucked into blankets, with essential oils, Full Moon releasing and energy clearing rituals AND experience a meditative Chinese Gongfu Tea Ceremony with brand-new teas from Verdant Tea (these are even caffeine free to assist with peaceful slumber later that evening..!)

cost:    $30 

Your attendance helps to fund the new studio and all the lovely new props that will make our classes extra supported and cozy. Thank you!




Learn More: Why Do We Honor the Moon..?

The Two Faces of the Moon: Dark and Light.

Like yin and yang, one side fosters quiet and introspection; the other encourages us to be bright and bold.

We all have these two sides to ourselves – a bold side that interacts with the outer world, and a quiet side that interacts with our personal inner world.

Understanding – even tweaking – how much we favor one side or the other is essential to our growth and healing; embracing our two sides is what makes us a balanced human being. Inner and outer. Quiet and bold. Feminine and masculine. Darkness and light. 


The Full Moon reminds us to practice gratitude and encourages us to celebrate whatever has come to fruition over the previous month. 

The season of spring ushers in an energy of great abundance. What will come to fruition in your life over the next month? What will you be celebrating or expressing gratitude for on the May 18 Full Moon? 

Our Moonlight Meditation + Tea  will be the perfect time to honor both our light and dark sides –

an outward celebration for the abundance that spring will bring into our lives;

introspection, forgiveness, release, and detoxification of body/mind/soul to allow ourselves to step fully into a fresh start. 

And through it all, a time for gratitude.

I hope you will join me for Moonlight Meditation + Tea to connect fully to your light and dark sides – to integrate, to celebrate, to usher in a fresh start…


Follow link for registration & payment!


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